Managing Duplicate Work Identifiers

Identifiers are used by Curve to match incoming revenue to the correct Work in your catalogue. Work identifiers should always be unique per Work. They can not be assigned to more than one Work in your catalogue on Curve. It may be that multiple sources happen to use the exact same Identifier for a different Work, for these reason we store these Identifiers per Source as a Society Identifier. However, in specific scenarios it may be that the same society or source uses the same Identifier for two different Works in your catalogue. In this instance, you can use the Duplicate Identifiers tool in your Settings to tell Curve which Work you want the income to map to by using the Work Title as an additional reference.

Imagine a scenario where a society uses 123456 as an identifier for both the Works Love & Hate and Love & Hate (Instrumental). We can write a rule in our Duplicate Identifier tool that specifies that under the condition that the Work Title in the income file includes the word Instrumental, we want to map the income to the Instrumental version of our Work.

To get started, go to Settings > General > Duplicate Identifier.
Identifier – Here you specify the identifier that is used by the source in the income file.
Title Includes – Here you specify which words in the Work Title should be used by Curve as a trigger to reroute the income to a Work in your catalogue. This does not need to be the exact full Work Title, but ideally contains a unique keyword. This to guarantee the trigger is still matching, even when there are certain differentiations in spelling in the Work Title in the sales file.
Map To – Here you specify, if the Title condition is met, which Work this income should be rerouted to.
In our example, we are making sure that whenever we receive revenue for the identifier 123456, the royalty is rerouted to our track Love & Hate (Instrumental) when the Work Title contains the word Instrumental. If the Work Title does not contain the word Instrumental, the income will by default be mapped to the main Work which has 123456 stored as its Alias.

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