Using Companies to Apply a Custom Statement Design to Your Contracts ✪

When a Statement is created for a Contract, as a default we will apply the Statement Design that you have specified in your General Settings. It may be however, that you want a different Statement Design to be applied to one group of Contracts versus another. A common scenario is the example of multiple Publishers from the same publishing group that are handled within the same Curve client. Perhaps you'd want a different publisher's logo to be used on that publisher's respective Contracts, as opposed to your main company's logo. The Companies function provides the flexibility to generate statements under different brands.

This feature is available to Curve Pro clients only as part of the Companies add-on ✪

Setting Up a Company

To get Started, go to the Companies page. To add a new Company, hit the +Create button on the top right of the Companies area. You will be presented with some fields that should be familiar from the Settings page. You can fill in a customised company name and statement text, upload a logo and choose a statement design for this particular Company.

We refer to our article " Customising Your Statement Design" for more information on how these fields can impact your statement output.


Assigning Your Contracts to a Company

Contracts can be assigned to a Company via the Company field in your Contract. For any contracts for which you do not select a company, the statement branding will default to that which you have entered in the Settings area.

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