Providing a Team Member Access to Curve

To give a team member access to Curve, you will need to create a User. You can create an individual User for each member in your organisation that likes to access Curve. We don't put a limit on the amount of Users you can create.

Can't see the Users page? Please note, only Admin users have access to the User page.

To create a new User, go to your User page and hit the +Create button on the top right of your screen. You will need to decide whether to give your team member a Standard or Admin User type. Via the Rights area, you can further customise which areas of Curve this User will have access to.

The key areas that can be managed are -
  • Catalogue - Works, Composers, Publishers, Releases & Tracks
  • Contracts - Payees & Contracts
  • Sales - Income Files, Templates &  Income DB
  • Periods -  Periods & Statements
And the possible permissions are -
  • None - No access to an area, cannot see in the app, nor be able to update within the API
  • View - Can see items, but cannot create, update or delete
  • Edit - Can create, update and delete items
  • Approval - Similar to View, and only available within the periods area, allowing for approval of statements, but not managing the period itself

Please note that in order for a User to be able to create and export Reports , they need to have their Sales and Costs Rights set to Edit.

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