Mapping Income Directly to a Contract

The standard methodology for Curve is to map sales lines to a Work, which in turn is linked to a Contract to flow revenues through & create royalty statements. However, it is possible to link a sales line directly to a Contract.


Use the Contract Identifier in the Template to Map Sales to a Contract

In your Template, which instructs Curve how to read the sales data, the Contract Identifier field can reference which Contract your income line should map to.


Map the Alias to a Contract

Next, you can import your sales file. If the Contract Identifier value in the sales data matches exactly the name of your Contract, the line will be automatically allocated to the contract; if the value isn't an exact match to a Contract name, the Mapping Manager will flag this value and ask you to map it to a Contract. Any mapped Contract Identifiers will be stored on the Alias tab of your Contracts.


Review the Cat Type of Your Income Lines

Your income lines their Cat Type can either be set to Work or Contract. When an income line is mapped to just a Contract (and not a Work), then the Cat Type will by default be set to Contract. Though mapping an income line to a Contract doesn't prevent that income line from also mapping to a Work. If an income line is mapped to both a Contract and a Work, then the Cat Type will by default be set to Work; which means, in addition to the sales flowing to the Contract directly mapped to income line, the income can still flow via the Contracts assigned to the mapped Work.

Cat Type equals Work - The royalties will flow via the Contracts assigned on the Rights tab of the Work. If the income line is also mapped to a Contract, then the participation rate of this Contract will be defaulted to 100 (though this does not prevent the sales to also flow via the Contracts directly listed on the Work's Rights tab)
Cat Type equals Contract - The royalties will solely flow via the Contract mapped directly to the income line with a participation rate of 100. Even if the income line is also associated with a Work, the Contracts assigned to this respective Work will not receive a royalty.

You can review the Cat Type of your income lines, and which Work or Contract your income line is mapped to, as per below.

If you want to force the Cat Type to equal Contract, so that the income solely flows via the Contract directly assigned to the income line and is prevented from flowing via the Contracts assigned to the Work, you can do the following:

  • Make sure the income lines are only mapped to a Contract, and not to a Work. Simply making sure the template does not pick up any Work related data types such as Work Title/Party/Identifier/ISWC/Song Code/Tunecode will guarantee the income line is not mapped to a Work.
  • Or, you can force the Cat Type to update to Contract via a calculation in your template, even when the sales lines are additionally mapped to a Work.
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