Linking Tracks to Your Works

On Curve's publishing module, the Works represent your repertoire. You will map income to Works, after which this income will be shared amongst the Contracts assigned to that Work. Additionally, you have the ability to create Tracks and link these to your Works. This does not impact your royalty accounting process, but is a helpful tool to guarantee that ISRC codes are delivered as part of your CWR files.

When a Track is linked to a Work, we bring the Track Title, Track Artist, Track ISRC, Track Duration, Track Label and Release Label into the CWR file. We also store the Track Titles as Alternative Titles in the CWR, so all the different titles get registered to your Work. We only include the Track Title as an Alternative Title if no Alternative Title with that name exists yet.

You can either create Tracks via the Tracks page, then link these to your Works. Or you can directly create and link Tracks within your Work. Once a Track is linked to your Work, automatically, the track's ISRC and Artist name will be included in your CWR deliveries. If you do not know the ISRC code, but still wish to include artist names in your CWR delivery, you can add these artists as a Performer instead.

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