The Statutory Rate
The Statutory Rate is a unit rate established by the US Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) in the United States, or the CMRRA in Canada. In both territories, the stat rate has a minimum amount, but increases when the recording has a duration of over 5 minutes. For a long time, the minimum US stat rate was set to 9.1c, but from January 2023 was updated to 12c and keeps updating every year with inflation as agreed by the CRB.
You can view the mechanical stat rates that are in use in your mechanical reporting in the Mechanical tab of your General Settings.
Choose the mechanical basis at Track level
We allow two different calculation bases: Sale Date or Custom.
When Sale Date is selected, Curve will look at the Sale Date on a royalty to decide which rate should be applied. The Sale Date is the most commonly used mechanical basis for calculations and would likely be your default.
We will automatically calculate the Stat Rate based on the Duration of the Track and the Sale Date of the sales line. If no Duration is provided, we will be default assign the minimum rate.
- If you have set up a Custom Rate, this rate will be applied regardless of the Sale Date.
In your General Settings > Mechanicals, you can decide which basis will be applied by default on any Tracks that you create. You can also decide whether new Tracks should by default have "Report Mechanicals" enabled or disabled. On this page, you can also view the Stat Rates that will be used in your calculations.
Please note, Track Caps will only be applied to (Min) Stat Rate calculations. A track cap will not be applied to mechanicals calculated as a percentage of Gross Receipts, Net Receipts or PPD.