Using Target Periods to Group Your Sales Files

The Target Period is the royalty period you are intending to include a sales file in. This Target Period can be written however you want it to be, but a good example of a target period is 2021H1, referring to the first half of 2021. Or, you could use 2021Q1 or 2021M1 instead if you work with quarterly or monthly royalty statements, respectively.

The Benefit of a Target Period

When selecting which sales files to include in a run, you can search for these tags, making it easier to prepare a royalty run, as per the example below. It guarantees you don't accidentally leave out any sales files that should be part of your Period.

Setting the Target Period

There are multiple ways to assign a Target Period to a sales file. After you have imported your sales file, you will be prompted by the Mapping Manager to fill in the Target Period in the Setup information for the sales file the first time you open the sales file.

You can also edit the setup information in your sales file's Edit page, accessible by clicking the Edit button in the top right corner on the sales files Overview page. Hitting Save will make sure the name change is stored on your database.

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