What Are Foreign IDs and Project IDs?

Across Curve, you will encounter the fields labelled "Foreign ID" and "Project ID". The Foreign ID allows you to store a unique code against an individual asset on Curve. The Project ID allows you to store a code across various different assets on Curve which can then be bundled in your analytics. You will find these ID fields on Payees, Contracts, Mechanical Contracts, Releases and Tracks.

For example, the Foreign ID field allows you to store an ID number for a given asset for a different database other than Curve. For instance, if you have all of your Catalogue stored in a Microsoft Excel or Access database and you have assigned each track your own unique ID number or code, you can store that number in the Foreign ID field. 

The Project ID field can be used to store a code against a group of assets on Curve. For example any Tracks, Releases and Contracts that belong to the same project; you can assign the same Project ID. You will then be able to filter on this Project ID in your Reports or Analytics.

Foreign ID and Project ID fields are optional to complete. If you do not wish to use these fields, they can be left blank.

Project IDs can then be used as filters in Reports and Analytics to find all earnings or costs related to this Project ID either via association with the Track, Release, Contract or Payee.

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