The Delivery Statuses page: review and manage your Work Registrations ✪

The Delivery Statuses Page under Deliveries > Delivery Statuses is essentially two things:

  • A to-do list to review your rejected works
  • An overview of your catalogue's registration status at any given partner

We recommend using this page to review your catalogue's status across your different partners and to manage your catalogue's delivery status per partner.

This feature is available to Curve Pro clients as part of the Deliveries add-on ✪

Review your catalogue's delivery status

The Delivery Statuses page is the perfect place to review the delivery status for all your catalogue. You need to select a Partner in the filters, and if you wish you can then also filter by various other parameters to display your Works and their registration statuses at the partner of your choice.

Displayed information on the Delivery Statuses page

The below screenshot gives you an example of what your Delivery Statuses tab might look like for a specific partner:

Identifier is the Work's Main Identifier that you've set up

Delivered is the latest date this Work got delivered to the partner. This will help you review when you've last sent this Work for Delivery and whether you're still expecting an Acknowledgement for this Work.

Acknowledged will show you when this Work was last Acknowledged by your partner

Delivery statuses

You can see the Delivery Status for each Work at your chosen partner. We use the following statuses:

Undelivered: the Work has never been delivered to this Partner through Curve, and has never been manually updated to Delivered or Accepted

Queued: the Work has manually been queued for delivery to this partner by using the 'Force Delivery' action. Queued works will be picked up in Deliveries that use the 'Manually Queued' or 'Newly Approved, Updated or Manually Queued' smart filters.

On Hold: the Work is On Hold for delivery for this specific partner. You can take a work off hold by using the Resume Delivery action, which will set the status for this Work back to the status it was in before it was put on hold. So, if a Work was Accepted then put On Hold for that partner, resuming delivery will set it back to Accepted

Accepted: the Work has been accepted by your partner and has been correctly registered

Rejected: the Work has been rejected by your partner and will need to be reviewed before it is sent for registration again

Delivered: the Work has been delivered to your partner but has not yet been acknowledged (accepted or rejected)

Changing the delivery status of your Works

You can change the status of a Work for your partner by selecting the Work(s) and using the Bulk Actions button. These are the actions you can perform:

Force Delivery: sets the status to Queued. Queued works will be picked up in Deliveries that use the 'Manually Queued' or 'Newly Approved, Updated or Manually Queued' smart filters.

Hold Delivery: puts the Work On Hold for that partner only. On Hold works will not be picked up in any Deliveries for this partner, including Deliveries that you manually add the Work to.

Resume Delivery: takes the Work off hold for that partner and allows it to be included in a delivery again. Using this action will set the status for this Work back to the status it was in before it was put on hold. So, if a Work was Accepted then put On Hold for that partner, resuming delivery will set it back to Accepted

Mark Delivered: this will mark a Work as Delivered for this partner even if it hasn't actually been included in a Delivery on Curve. You might use this status if you have previously sent a Work for registration outside of Curve, and want to reflect this on Curve.

Mark Accepted: this will mark a Work as Accepted for this partner. You might use this status if you have delivered Works to a sub publisher, and the sub publisher has confirmed with you (over email, for example) that they have registered the Works.

The 'Add to Delivery' function

You can add Works to a Delivery straight from the Delivery Statuses page. Maybe you've been working on your rejected Works, and want to collect them all in one Delivery to send to your society: you can do that directly from this page.

Adding Works to a Manual Delivery

If you already have an undelivered Delivery for this partner, you can add the Works to that Delivery if that delivery's filter is set to Specific Works. You will see a dropdown menu to select the Delivery.

If you don't have any undelivered Deliveries for that partner that use the Specific Works filter, you can create a new Delivery from the pop-up screen. The created Delivery will have the Specific Works filter selected, and will include the Works you've just selected.

If you have an undelivered manual Delivery that uses the Custom, Manually Queued or Newly Approved, Updated or Manually Queued filters, you can simply update the Work's status to Queued for it to be picked up by the filters for your Delivery. When using a Custom filter, make sure your filters are set up correctly to pick up the Works!

Adding Works to a Scheduled Delivery

If you're using Scheduled Deliveries for this partner, you can easily add the Work to the schedule if that Scheduled Delivery uses the Manually Queued or Newly Approved, Updated or Manually Queued filters.

In this case, all you would need to do for these Works to be included in your Scheduled Delivery is update the Work's registration status for this partner to Queued. You can do so by selecting the Work(s) and using the Bulk Actions button > Force Delivery. This will update the status and the Works will now be picked up by any filter that uses the Manually Queued filter.

If your Scheduled Delivery uses a Custom filter and you want all Works that meet that Custom filter's parameters to be picked up, you will also need to update the statuses for these Works to Queued. Just make sure your filters are set up correctly to pick up the Works!

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