Creating Catalogue Through Spotify Search
You can easily download your catalogue from Spotify and all the metadata that is stored there, such as Title, ISRC, Artist etc, without having to create it from scratch.
What Will the Spotify Integration Do?
The Spotify Integration allows you to search for your Tracks and Releases on Spotify and download these to your Curve client. Headline metadata such as Title, Artist, ISRC and Barcode will automatically be specified. You will, however, still need to independently attach your Contracts to the Tracks & Releases.
How Can I Search for my Catalogue Through Spotify?
You'd simply need to go to your Releases or Tracks page, click on Import top right and then select Import from Spotify. You can then search by the applicable Keyword, Label and/or Artist, select and confirm. Next thing, a notification will be received informing you that your import from Spotify has completed.