CRD Income Files

CRD is a standardised format in the publishing industry used to send revenue data. It’s functionality is similar to that of CWR files; a txt file with different types of rows and different character width columns.

There are multiple versions. Curve currently covers version 2.00, 4.00 a version 4.01.

To identify a CRD file's version, you'd need to open the file and refer to the HDR row.

For example:


CRD Template

The template is stored in our Library simply as CRD and can read all versions covered by Curve, by selecting the correct algorithm based on the format specified in the header row of the file.

The algorithm works by reading the data from the files and then putting them into columns to mimic a regular CSV format.

These are the example lines you can see in the CRD template, which allow to still customise the Template and store certain types of data differently to the default we have set out. This can also be helpful when you want to adjust your Template for any society specific exceptions

Because multiple Sources use CRD files, you could use a new Template for each Source to correctly store your mappings and any source-specific calculations or defaults you might want to set up. However, it is not a requirement to use a different CRD Template, only if you want to map values in a different way. You could as well use the same one if you'd want to.

We currently don't automatically assign CRD files to the CRD Template, so after uploading the file you will still need to specifically assign the file to the CRD template.

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