The Income DB Page
In your Curve client under the Income section in the sidebar, you can utilize the Income DB page to filter and search all of the income lines ingested in your client. Using the buttons underneath, you can export, edit, or delete that data.
Using the Filters
The filters on this page allow you to filter your data based on the values associated with your income data. Some filters will match specific values in your Curve client, and others will search for matching text in the income data.
- The Status filter is a drop-down menus that allow you to filter for either valid or invalid income lines.
- The Works and Sales File field are searchable fields that will filter for income linked to specific works or contained within specific income files in your Curve client.
- The remaining fields will accept text values and search for lines with values that match those entries. These searches are spelling and case-sensitive i.e. searching for the Source "YouTube" will return files with that exact spelling and case.
Once you have entered the filters to your liking, press the Filter button to filter for income that match the filter values. Pressing the Export button will export all the matching income in a CSV file you can download.
Using Edit Selected
The Edit Selected button will only edit the lines you have selected with the checkbox on the left.
When you press the button a popup menu will appear allowing you to specify the fields you would like to Edit and the values you would like to update them to. The Source and Sub Source can be updated to whatever text you enter while the other values will be updated to specific values in your Curve client.
Using Edit Filtered
Using Edit Filtered will update all income lines for which you have filtered, and this button is only available if you have engaged the filters. The same fields can be edited as with the Edit Selected button, but Curve will prompt you to type out "Updated Filtered" to ensure you are making these edits intentionally. This feature is powerful and can easily edit large swathes of data. It is important to make sure you have engaged the filters correctly and updated the fields as intended before using this. Always make sure to double check the number of lines that you have filtered on, as all would be updated when using this Edit Filtered option.
Using Delete Selected
The Delete Selected button is used to delete specific income lines from your data and will only delete the lines you have selected with the checkbox on the left. Deleted income lines cannot be recovered unless you re-ingest them.
The Income DB page can be used for a variety of useful functions in Curve such as reassigning income to delete duplicate works or normalising your source and sub source values. Ultimately, you will want to edit your templates so that your data is ingested correctly the first time, but the Income DB can be useful for cleaning up or normalizing data without re-ingesting income files.