Why Does My Income File Have a Fully Reported, Partially Reported or Unreported Status?

When an individual income line has a reported status, it means this sales line has been reported in at least one statement. The furthest right column on your Income index page indicates the reported status of the sales lines within the sales file. A red "U" indicates unreported, a yellow "P" indicates partially reported, or a green "F" indicates fully reported.

Unreported - None of the lines in this file have been reported in a statement.
Partially Reported - Some but not all of the lines in this file have been reported in a statement.
Fully Reported - All of the lines in this file have been reported in a statement.

If a sales file is Partially Reported, you can review which income lines are currently still Unreported by exporting the lines and looking at the Reported Period ID column. This column indicates in which Period a line has been reported. If this column is blank, it means the sales line is Unreported.

What Are the Potential Causes of an Income File Being Unreported?

The income file has not been included in a Period - If the sales file was never included in a Period setup, then Curve was never mandated to report this sales file and all sales lines included will remain Unreported.

The income file has been included in a Period, but all the lines are either invalid or unreported - Even if the income file is included in a Period, it may be that these lines remained unreported for one of three reasons. Either because the lines were invalid, went into the Unreported CSV, or are mapped to a Contract that was not included in that particular Period as it had a different Accounting Period Type.

The income file was once Reported, but the income file has since been reingested - When an income file is reingested, Curve essentially reuploads your income file from scratch. This is helpful in case you want changes in your Template to flush through to your income file. However, this also means that any reported status of your income file will be lost. Upon reingestion, the reported status of all lines is being reset to Unreported. We therefore advise against reingesting any reported income files, this to maintain their reported status.

What Are the Potential Causes of an Income File Being Partially Reported?

The income file was included in a Period, but some lines ended up in the Period's Unreported CSV - When an income file is included in a Period, Curve will attempt to report every single income line in this file. It may be however, that due to a gap in your setup, Curve is unable to report a given royalty line. Perhaps the Works didn't have a Contract assigned, the Contract didn't have a matching income term, or the Contract was marked as inactive.

The income file was included in a Period, but some lines were regarding a Contract with a different Accounting Period Type - When running a, let's say, Monthly Period; Curve will only create a statement for all the Contracts with a Monthly Accounting Period Type. Any royalty lines that are mapped to a Contract with a, let's say, Half-Yearly Accounting Period Type will remain Unreported until this sales file is included in a Half-Yearly Period. So if you wonder why you have a Partially Reported income file but no data in your Unreported Sales CSV, you may want to review all Contracts have a correct Accounting Period Type set.

There are invalid sales lines in the sales file - If a sales line is invalid, it will not be processed in a Period, and will naturally remain Unreported.

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