When You Should Not Reingest Partially or Fully Reported Income Files
You may have noticed, once you include your income files in a Period and the data has been reported in a statement, the status of your income file is updated to Fully or Partially Reported.
A Fully Reported status means all the income lines in this income file have been reported in a statement. A Partially Reported status means some but not all of the income lines in this income file have been reported in a statement. If an income file is Partially Reported, you can review which income lines are currently still Unreported by exporting the lines and looking at the Reported Period ID column. This column indicates in which Period a line has been reported. If this column is blank, it means the sales line is Unreported. This article in our documentation may help you review why not all of your income lines have a Fully Reported status.
Curve essentially remembers which Contracts a given income line has been reported to. This is an excellent failsafe, because it prevents you from reporting the same income line to the same Contract more than once. Even if you were to include a given income file in two consecutive Periods, the income lines may only report to those Contracts it had not reported to before. Income lines that were reported to their Contracts in the initial Period would simply be ignored in this second Period. That is the power of the Reported status of your income lines.
Bring in a second powerful functionality of Curve; reingesting your income files. When an income file is reingested, Curve essentially reuploads the entire income file from scratch. In this process, we lose the reported status of any of the income lines included. Reported income files should therefore never be reingested (unless you are reviewing your Period and intending to reprocess the entire Period at one point, which would again reinstate the reported status of the included income files). Instead, we advise you to Revalidate or manually adjust your Income files instead.
Furthermore, we recommend Locking your finalised Periods, as this will consequently lock your included income files and prevent you from accidentally reingesting these.