Using Work Statuses to set your Works up for Delivery ✪

If you would like to send your Works to societies or other partners, you can use our Deliveries area to do so. However, of course you want to control which Works you're sending where: some Works might not be ready to be sent, or might only need to be sent to specific partners or societies. You can control which Works are sent and to whom by using the Work statuses.

There are two levels to Work Statuses: a status that applies to the Work as a whole, and a status that applies for that Work on a Partner level only.

This feature is available to Curve Pro clients as part of the Deliveries add-on ✪

Status on a Work level

You can set a status on a Work level, which essentially marks the overall status of that Work when it comes to Deliveries. These are the different statuses a Work can have:

Ready for Approval: When you create a new Work that's valid, the default status for that Work will be Ready for Approval. A Work that's in Ready for Approval status will not be included in any Deliveries: it is not approved to be sent yet. Only Approved Works will be included in Deliveries.

Approved: A valid Work that's ready to be sent to your partners can be Approved. Once a Work is Approved, it will be picked up in Deliveries. You can update your Work by clicking the Approval button on the Work's overview page, or you can update Works to Approved in Bulk by selecting the Works on your main Works page, then using the Bulk Actions button to Approve the Works.

Alternatively, you can decide to Auto Approve all valid Works by setting this up in your Delivery Settings. Enabling Auto Approve works will automatically queue works that are ingested into Curve and are valid for delivery. Unless you set Works to On Hold they will be delivered in any Delivery Schedules you have set up that include all Approved Works.

Any newly Approved Works will be picked up in the 'Newly Approved, Updated or Manually Queued' smart filters on a Delivery.

Hold: Setting a Work to Hold on a Work level means this work will be excluded from any Deliveries. You can use this feature to stop Works from being sent out, even if they were previously Approved. Another scenario you might want to use this status in is if you're onboarding a new catalogue that you don't control the rights for yet: you can set these to Hold to make sure they don't get sent out any partners yet.

Resume: Use the Resume button to take a Work that was previously on Hold, back off Hold. Using Resume will set the Work back to the status it had before you set the Work to Hold. So, if a Work was Approved, then on Hold, using Resume will set it back to Approved and it will get picked up for Deliveries again.

You can bulk update statuses on a Work level from the Works page: select the Works you want to update, then use the Bulk Actions button to update the Works' status:

Status on a Partner level

The status on a Work level, as described above, sets the overall status for that Work when it comes to Deliveries. You also have the option to view and change the status for a Work per partner. There are two places to see the status for a Work per partner: on the Work's Deliveries tab, and on the Delivery Statuses tab under Deliveries. These are the statuses a Work can have on a partner level:

Undelivered: the Work has never been delivered to this Partner through Curve, and has never been manually updated to Delivered or Accepted

Queued: the Work has manually been queued for delivery to this partner by using the 'Force Delivery' action . Queued works will be picked up in Deliveries that use the 'Manually Queued' or 'Newly Approved, Updated or Manually Queued' smart filters.

On Hold: the Work is On Hold for delivery for this specific partner and will not be picked up in Deliveries for this partner (even if the Work is Approved).

Accepted: the Work has been accepted by your partner and has been correctly registered.

Rejected: the Work has been rejected by your partner and will need to be reviewed before it is sent for registration again.

Delivered: the Work has been delivered to your partner but has not yet been acknowledged.

Updating the Status on a Partner level

You can update the status on a partner level by performing the below actions on the partner's delivery status for a Work:

Force Delivery: sets the status to Queued. Queued works will be picked up in Deliveries that use the 'Manually Queued' or 'Newly Approved, Updated or Manually Queued' smart filters.

Hold Delivery: puts the Work On Hold for that partner only. On Hold works will not be picked up in any Deliveries for this partner, including Deliveries that you manually add the Work to.

Resume Delivery: takes the Work off hold for that partner and allows it to be included in a delivery again. Using this action will set the status for this Work back to the status it was in before it was put on hold. So, if a Work was Accepted then put On Hold for that partner, resuming delivery will set it back to Accepted.

Mark Delivered: this will mark a Work as Delivered for this partner even if it hasn't actually been included in a Delivery on Curve. You might use this status if you have previously sent a Work for registration outside of Curve, and want to reflect this on Curve.

Mark Accepted: this will mark a Work as Accepted for this partner. You might use this status if you have delivered Works to a sub publisher, and the sub publisher has confirmed with you (over email, for example) that they have registered the Works.

These statuses can be changed in the Deliveries tab of a Work by using the 'Update Status' button, or using the 'Bulk Update' button to change statuses for that Work across multiple partners.

If you want to update the status for one partner across different Works, you can bulk update the status to Mark Delivered or Mark Accepted from the Works page by selecting the Works and using the Bulk Actions button:

It's also possible to bulk update the status to any other status from the Delivery Statuses tab under Deliveries. More information on how to do this can be found in this article: Using the Delivery Statuses page to review and control your Work Registrations.

We recommend using the Delivery Statuses area under Deliveries > Deliveries to manage your Works' partner statuses, as it's the most comprehensive tool we have to control your catalogue's delivery status per partner.

Controlled Territories

Please keep in mind that your Work will need to be controlled in a Territory that matches the Territory on the Delivery Partner for the Work's IP Chain to be picked up in the CWR file. You can read more about that in our documentation article: Specify in Which Territories You Represent a Work

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