The Income File Edit Page

Sometimes it is necessary to make changes to an income file that you have already ingested. The purple Edit button in the top right corner of an income file’s page will allow you to make changes to some of the fundamental aspects of a file after ingesting it.

In the Setup section on the Edit page, you can change the name of the file, edit the Invoice Number or Target Period, and change the income template used to ingest the file.

Target Cells and Default values are assigned by the income template when the file is first ingested. Updating these at template level and then reingesting the file will not apply these changes. If you wish to change these values for files that have already been uploaded, then you can edit these values for a specific file on that sales file’s Edit page. The Defaults section is also where you can assign a Pro Rata Amount to the sales file to be allocated to each sales line according to its share of the total units in the file.

You can also add or edit the exchange rates used to convert the currencies in the file to your Home Currency. You would have been prompted to enter these rates by the Mapping Manager when validating the file, but you can edit them here if necessary.

It’s important to remember to re-ingest or revalidate your sales file after making any changes so that the changes you have made will take effect.

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