Setting up Your Society as a Delivery Partner To Deliver CWR ✪

When creating a catalogue delivery (in a format such as CWR), you can opt to export this file and send it off to your society or sub-publisher independently. Or you can create a Delivery Partner for you to deliver your catalogue straight from the Curve platform. You can set up either an email or FTP integration.

This feature is available to Curve Pro clients only as part of the Deliveries add-on ✪

To get started, go to Deliveries > Delivery Settings > Delivery Partners

Partner-specific information

There are a few society specific fields you need to fill out when setting up the Delivery Partner for your collection society or sub-publisher.

The Receiving Party is the party you're sending your CWR to. The dropdown list shows all societies: picking the correct society will make sure the CWR is picking up the correct agreement numbers. For deliveries to a sub-publisher you can use the 'Other' value in the dropdown menu.

The Specific IPI No field should only be filled out if you want to send your CWR deliveries for this specific partner with a different IPI from your normal IPI as set up in your Delivery Settings > Overview area. Entering an IPI number here will overwrite your normal IPI number.

You should enter the Territory you're sending your deliveries to this specific partner for. Here you specify all the Territories in which you want the society or sub-publisher to represent your copyright. You can use Territory Groups to select multiple Territories for your delivery. If you have Territory specific IP Chains set on your Work, all matching chains on that Work will be included in the CWR.

The CWR files for a Delivery Partner will only show the IP Chain for the Territories you set up here. Read more about setting up Controlled Territories for your Works here: Specify in Which Territories You Represent a Work

The Output Format dictates which format your Delivery will be. If this is set to CWR, you will also need to specify the CWR version. Your collection society will be able to inform you which version of CWR they want to receive.

Delivery Type

By setting up an email integration, as per the example below, you will gain the ability to send your delivery over email straight from the Curve platform. The receiving party will receive an email from Curve from which they can download your delivery file.

FTP is a way to transfer files between computers. By setting up your society as an FTP delivery partner, you can send your catalogue delivery straight to your society's database without any human interference. Your society will be able to provide you with all the details, such as whether it's an FTP vs SFTP delivery type, your Host Address, Port Number, your Username, your Password and your Root Directory.

Furthermore, you could also deliver CWR files to receiving parties (ie Music Reports being one of them) via SFTP with Public/Private Key Access, as opposed to Username and Password.

The steps to adjust this are:

  1. In the corresponding Delivery Partner you will need to select SFTP as the Delivery Type.
  2. Then for the Authentication Type   Field, you will have 2 options in the dropdown : ‘Password’ and 'Key File'.
  3. When selecting “Key File” , you will have the option to “upload” a directive that will allow you to upload the public/private key file.
  4. The file is then uploaded to S3 and an S3 key will be saved against your FTP settings.

Important to remember that we currently do not support PPK files and require a PEM file (PPK files can be converted to PEM files). However, prior to converting a PPK file to PEM, please note that the PPK must currently be generated without a passphrase, as this is not supported

Use the Export Only setting if you don't want to send your Deliveries directly from Curve, but want to manually export them instead.

IP Chain amendments on a Delivery Partner level

We have two tools to customise what the IP Chain on the delivery for a specific Partner looks like.

Delivery Configuration gives you the option to switch on a 50/50 music and lyrics split on the IP Chain, which is required by certain societies like GEMA.

Insert Into IP Chain gives you the option to add an entity to the top of the IP Chain for any Deliveries you make to this specific Delivery Partner. For example, if you have a specific ASCAP entity that you want to add as a sub-publisher to the top of your regular IP Chain for any deliveries you send to ASCAP, you can add that entity on the ASCAP delivery partner. This would add said publisher to the top of the chain and hand it over the controlled collected shares. If the publisher you are looking to insert is the same publisher that is already at the top of the chain, then no change will be made to the IP Chain.

More than one Delivery Partner for the same Society

If you need more than one Delivery Partner per society, you can set these up as needed. Just make sure you name the partners in a distinctive way so you can tell them apart when creating your Deliveries - since we store information such as Territory on a Partner level, you want to make sure you’re using the correct one. For example, if you have a direct membership with SACEM for World but sub publishing certain catalogue with SACEM for France only, you could name one partner SACEM - World and the other SACEM - France, and set the territories up respectively.

Delivery Partners for MusicMark and ICE

If you use ICE or Musicmark to deliver to certain societies, you should set up a Delivery Partner for each of the societies, as well as for Musicmark and ICE. When you select Musicmark or ICE as the Receiving Party, you will be able to link the societies you deliver to via these parties as a Sub Partner on the Delivery Partner.

When sending your catalogue to Musicmark or ICE, select your Musicmark or ICE Delivery Partner. This ensures the correct society codes are added to the CWR file. When you send to one of these Delivery Partners, the Delivery status will be updated for the Musicmark/ICE partner as well as any sub partners that are linked to them. When you receive and ACK file from the individual societies, we will pick up the society name based on the header in the ACK file. This way, we always accurately represent the correct society codes when sending and receiving files

Deliver Your Catalogue

Once your Delivery Partner is complete, you can select this Delivery Partner in your Delivery. A Deliver button will appear, allowing you to send your catalogue delivery straight from the Curve platform.

If you're using Scheduled Deliveries, your Delivery will be sent to the Delivery Partner on the date you have scheduled it.

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